Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"May the Horse Be With You"

First off, the title of today's episode is "May the Horse Be With You."

Did you like that pun? I hope so, because that is the zenith of clever writing for this entire episode.

I'll be honest here and say that I lost interest in this episode early on because it was so painfully boring. The only decent part involved an overly-comical-to-the-point-of-being-forced chase scene on train cars with theme music in which a banjo and jew's harp were used over a vaguely disco-sounding rhythm. I suppose that the part where Kojak was hit on by a prostitute trying to get him go to Vegas with her was also amusing (prostitute to Kojak: "You're irresistible!!"), but overall this episode was a throwaway.

My rating: F-

0 "Baby" quotes + 2 Lollis + 0 murders = CRAP. I'm not sure what the obsession with horse racing has been all about this season but I'm starting to think that someone hired Bukowski to supervise storyline development. There hasn't been a good multiple murder in nearly a week and it's starting to make me *gasp* contemplate not watching "Kojak" until this stagnation passes.

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